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Latin Language for Students of Dental Faculties = Lingua Latina ad Usum Stomatologiae Studentium: textbook (III—IV a. l.) / O.M. Bieliaieva, V.H. Synytsia, L.Yu. Smolska et al.; edited by O.M. Bieliaieva = Латинська мова для англомовних студентів-стоматологів

Latin Language for Students of Dental Faculties = Lingua Latina ad Usum Stomatologiae Studentium: textbook (III—IV a. l.) / O.M. Bieliaieva, V.H. Synytsia, L.Yu. Smolska et al.; edited by O.M. Bieliaieva = Латинська мова для англомовних студентів-стоматологів

В наличии
890 грн
Авторы: Елена Николаевна Беляева, Валентина Григорьевна Синица, Лариса Юрьевна Смольская и др.; под редакцией Елены Николаевны Беляевой
Гриф: утверджено МОН Украины
Аудитория: для высших учебных заведений — медицинских университетов, институтов и академий
Издательство: Всеукраинское специализированное издательство «Медицина»
Язык: латинский, английский
Год: 2018
Количество страниц: 488 (черно-белые)
ISBN: 978-617-505-629-5
Всеукраинское специализированное
издательство «Медицина»

Описание книги Latin Language for Students of Dental Faculties = Lingua Latina ad Usum Stomatologiae Studentium: textbook (III—IV a. l.) / O.M. Bieliaieva, V.H. Synytsia, L.Yu. Smolska et al.; edited by O.M. Bieliaieva = Латинська мова для англомовних студентів-стоматологів

The textbook contains programme material on education discipline “The Latin language and Medical Terminology” for the students of higher education establishments — medical universities, institutes and academies that provides training of master degree 22 “Health Care” in specialty 221 “Dentistry”. The textbook is designed according to the structural-terminological principle and consists of 3 sections in proper correlation with the main terminological subsystems of medical terminology — anatomical and histological, clinical, pharmaceutical. The grammar material of the first section is based on the terms of morphology, physiology and dental pathology including maxillofacial area as well as anatomical structure of the head and neck.
 The second section of the textbook represents the lexical material embracing all essential dentistry branches: therapeutic dentistry, surgical and maxillofacial dentistry, orthopedics and orthodontics, pediatric dentistry with dental diseases prevention.
The third section is aimed at encouraging students to obtain theoretical knowledge on general rules of prescription writing fundamentals: notion of prescription, the rules of prescribing medicines, proper presentation of the Latin part of prescription, classification of dosage forms, the most important abbreviations commonly used in prescription and gaining skills in writing prescriptions on this basis, prescribing remedies that are aimed to treat and prevent the main dental diseases (dental problems with hard tooth tissues, pulp, periodontium, tongue, gums, mucous membrane of the oral cavity), surgical infection in dentistry, as well as emergency in dental practice.

Содержание книги Latin Language for Students of Dental Faculties = Lingua Latina ad Usum Stomatologiae Studentium: textbook (III—IV a. l.) / O.M. Bieliaieva, V.H. Synytsia, L.Yu. Smolska et al.; edited by O.M. Bieliaieva = Латинська мова для англомовних студентів-стоматологів

Unit 1. Theme: The Latin alphabet. The pronunciation of vowels, consonants and combinations of letters. The use of the capital letter
Unit 2. Theme: Syllable numeration. Syllable division. The length and brevity of vowels. The accent rules
Unit 3. Theme: The notion “scientific term”. The Noun: general information and grammatical categories. The dictionary form of Latin nouns. The role of Nominative and Genitive cases in terminological unit formation. Non prepositional direction
Unit 4. Theme: General information about adjectives. The 1st group of adjectives. The Past Participle Passive in Anatomical Nomenclature (NA). Syntactical construction “agreed attribute”
Unit 5. Theme: The 2nd group of adjectives. The Present Participle Active in Anatomical Nomenclature (NA). Adjectives with partial degrees of comparison that indicate the location of organs and directions of body parts. The peculiarities of adjectives major and minor in terminological usage. Adjectives of Greek origin in Anatomical Nomenclature
Unit 6. Theme: The structure of the terminological units. Word order in multi-component terminological word combinations
Unit 7. Theme: The I declension. General information about the preposition. Prepositions that direct Аcc. and Abl. Abbreviations of the anatomical names the I declension nouns
Unit 8. Theme: The II declension. Exceptions pertaining the gender. The rule of the neuter gender. Substantivisation in the Anatomical Nomenclature. General terms, abbreviations and set expressions commonly used by medical practicing specialists
Unit 9. Theme: General characteristic of the III declension. Types of declining and peculiarities of the vowel and mixed types case endings
Unit 10. Theme: The adjectives of the III declension and Present Participle Active (Revision). Formation of the comparative and superlative degrees. Suppletive forms and adjectives with incomplete degrees of comparison in medical terminology. General information on adverbs. Degrees of comparison of adverbs
Unit 11. Theme: The endings of the III declension masculine nouns in Nom. sing. and their variants in Gen. sing. Exceptions concerning gender. Grammatical structure of the Latin names for muscles according to their function. Formation models and ways of translation
Unit 12. Theme: The endings of the III declension feminine nouns in Nom. sing. and their variants in Gen. sing. Exceptions concerning gender. The dental formula and Latin abbreviations of teeth names accepted for recording
Unit 13. Theme: The endings of the III declension feminine nouns in Nom. sing. and their variants in Gen. sing. Exceptions concerning gender. Professional medical phrases
Unit 14. Theme: Peculiarities of declining of some III declension Greek nouns. Noun vas, vasis, n. The I Greek declension
Unit 15. Theme: The IV and V declensions of nouns. Exceptions concerning gender. General terms and professional phrases commonly used by medical practicing specialists
Unit 16 Theme: Prefixation. The most commonly used Latin and Greek prefixes. Prefixes of the numeral origin
Unit 1. Theme: The Verb. The Verb characteristics. The Imperative Mood. Formation and usage of Present Conjunctive Active and Passive. Prescription cliches containing verbs
Unit 2. Theme: General notions about prescription. Prescription structure. Rules for compiling Latin part of prescription. Simple and compound prescriptions. Writing out prescriptions in full and abridged forms. Notions on magistral and officinal medicines
Unit 3. Theme: The Notions “chemical nomenclature” and “ State Pharmacopoea”. Latin names of chemical elements. Rules on forming Latin names of acids, oxides and bases, salts, compound ethers
Unit 4. Theme: Main rules for writing prescriptions with abbreviations. Common precription abbreviations
Unit 5. Theme: General notions about medical nomenclature. Word-forming elements in names of medicines indicating their chemical structure, plant ingredients, belonging to different groups of antibiotics
Unit 6. Theme: Word-forming elements containing anatomic or physiologic information. Word-forming elements denoting pharmacologic action of medicines. Common names of preparations according to their pharmacological action
Unit 7. Theme: Characteristics of solid dosage forms. Writing prescriptions for solid dosage forms
Unit 8. Theme: Characteristics of semi-solid dosage forms. Writing prescriptions for semi-solid dosage forms
Unit 9. Theme: Characteristics of liquid dosage forms. Writing prescriptions for liquid dosage forms
Unit 1. Theme: General information about clinical terminology. Structure of one-word terms. Multi-word clinical terms. The notion “Diagnosis”
Unit 2. Theme: Greek doublets of Latin I declension nouns. Final terminological elements of the I declension. Translation of the terms and diagnoses
Unit 3. Theme: Greek doublets of Latin nouns (masculine and neuter gender of the II declension). Final terminological elements of the I declension. Final terminological elements of the II declension. Translation of the terms and diagnoses
Unit 4. Theme: Greek doublets of Latin adjectives. Translation of the terms and diagnoses
Unit 5. Theme: Greek doublets of Latin nouns (III declension, masculine gender). Final terminological elements of the III declension in -sis. Translation of the terms and diagnoses
Unit 6. Theme: Greek doublets of Latin nouns (III declension feminine and neuter gender). Translation of the terms and diagnoses
Unit 7. Theme: Formation of the terms-names of inflammatory, non-inflammatory and tumor diseases. Translation of the terms and diagnoses
Unit 8. Theme: Greek doublets of Latin nouns of the IV and V declensions. Translation of the terms and diagnoses
Latin-English glossary
English-Latin glossary
Appendix 1. Table of the I?V declensions endings
Appendix 2. Latin adjectives of positive degree
Appendix 3. The Greek alphabet

Автори книги Latin Language for Students of Dental Faculties = Lingua Latina ad Usum Stomatologiae Studentium: textbook (III—IV a. l.) / O.M. Bieliaieva, V.H. Synytsia, L.Yu. Smolska et al.; edited by O.M. Bieliaieva = Латинська мова для англомовних студентів-стоматологів

O.M. Bieliaieva, V.H. Synytsia, L.Yu. Smolska, P.A. Sodomora, I.V. Rozhenko, N.M. Nikolaieva, L.O. Cher­vinska, N.V. Kuchumova, M.I. Hutsol

Характеристики книги Latin Language for Students of Dental Faculties = Lingua Latina ad Usum Stomatologiae Studentium: textbook (III—IV a. l.) / O.M. Bieliaieva, V.H. Synytsia, L.Yu. Smolska et al.; edited by O.M. Bieliaieva = Латинська мова для англомовних студентів-стоматологів

Издательство: Всеукраинское специализированное издательство «Медицина»
Форма: печатная книга (издание)
Вид: учебник
Язык: латинский, английский
Год: 2018
Количество страниц: 488 (черно-белые)
Обложка: твердая
Формат: 70х100/16
Вес: 775 г
ISBN: 978-617-505-629-5

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